首页» 新闻通告» 通知公告» 致计划提前返校留学生同学的一封信




A letter to international students who plan to return school

亲爱的同学们:Dear students:

目前中国正处于抗击新型冠状病毒肺炎的关键时期,为了大家的身体健康,学校要求全体学生在得到学校返校通知之前不要提前返回学校。At present, China is in the critical period of fighting against the new coronavirus pneumonia. For the sake of everyone's health, the school requires all students not to return to school before receiving the returning notice.  

如坚持提前返校,请知晓以下情况:If you insist on getting back ahead of school schedule, you need to be fully aware of the below issues:           

  1. 可能感染疫情,对身体造成不可逆损害。Students can get affected by the virus which may bring irreversible damage to your health.         
  2. 提前返校可能会给校园内的师生带来健康威胁。The visits to school could put the health of those on campus under risk.
  3. 返校后需单独隔离14天。Students must undergo a 14-day quarantine after returning to school.       
  4. 学校已经封闭校园,返校后无法离开校园。The campus is under a close-off management and students cannot leave campus after they return.           
  5. 北京到世界各地的航班正在减少,返校后可能无法回国,在校长时间滞留。The number of flights from Beijing to abroad is decreasing. Students may not be able to go anywhere and get stuck in school for a long period of time.

综上所述,为了大家的身体健康,请各位同学务必等到学校的明确通知后再返校。To sum up, for the sake of your safety, please wait for our specific notice before returning to school. 

祝大家身体健康,精神愉快!We wish you good health and a happy holiday!   



                                          SIE of UIBE




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